Music to Stack Shelves to #1: ‘Drinksology’*

Shelf stacking. Let’s face it – those of us whose lives are governed by the principles of chaos just don’t get the idea of making symmetrical piles or shapes of anything. Even those of us with brilliant mathematical minds *smiles proudly at Mr. Shopkeeper* or a degree in architecture can find it tedious.

Furthermore it can be pretty physical. Thursday is BIG DELIVERY DAY in most shops (on account of its proximity to the weekend), and one can work up quite a good ‘glow’ therein. It’s the cheapest aerobics class going, actually. Jolly dancey music is essential. Really, we need all the help we can get.

Cue this new and intermittent series. We’ve got a few choons up our sleeves but we’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments below..

*Yeah – we know it seems to be advertising something, but it is just so silly we couldn’t resist.